Have you ever thought about the way you or other people learn or about how the brain process information? Well, there's some excellent information that I recently read that may peak your curiosity. The first is an article entitled "Brain and Learning" http://www.tused.org/internet/tused/archive/V3/i2/text/tusedv3i2s5.pdf
that discuss the function of the brain, ideas and models about the brain, neuroscience and education, learning and the main factors that effect learning. The information in this article is excellent, especially for students doing research on this subject or anyone wanting to know a little bit more about how the brain works and functions as it relates to learning. The second article entitled "Information Processing-Theory of Human Problem Solving"
is a wonderful article power packed with excellent information about characteristics of the human information processing system, perception and problem solving, information gathering strategies and of course, the theory itself. This article is will also be great for anyone wishing to know a little more information on this subject or students doing research in this area.
Because Instructional Designers deal with Brain based learning and the Information Processing Theory, both of these articles will be beneficial in designing instruction that's fun and easy to learn.